Joy-spot idea #1: what if we specifically placed something in each room in our homes,
in our workplaces that made us smile, remind us of something that brings us 'life'?
A picture (I have a picture that my friend took of me laughing as a tanned, toned,
man in a speedo walked past. I didn't know it at the time but this man had a tattoo of
Jesus on his back. This picture reminds me of English Bay on a warm sunny Sunday
afternoon with friends. It is a good memory. It is a joy-spot for me).
A note. (my neighbor left a bag of zucchini on my doorstep one summer day.
the note said 'left here by the zucchini fairy'). Sticky notes (my husband went through
a stage of leaving an array of very sappy endearments in my jewelry box, on my
bathroom mirror, in my bedside drawer)
in our workplaces that made us smile, remind us of something that brings us 'life'?
A picture (I have a picture that my friend took of me laughing as a tanned, toned,
man in a speedo walked past. I didn't know it at the time but this man had a tattoo of
Jesus on his back. This picture reminds me of English Bay on a warm sunny Sunday
afternoon with friends. It is a good memory. It is a joy-spot for me).
A note. (my neighbor left a bag of zucchini on my doorstep one summer day.
the note said 'left here by the zucchini fairy'). Sticky notes (my husband went through
a stage of leaving an array of very sappy endearments in my jewelry box, on my
bathroom mirror, in my bedside drawer)
Joy-spot idea #2: I would love to have an entire wall in one of my rooms devoted to
pictures of my friends and family laughing, quotes about laughing, handmade drawings
from my children or 'love notes' from students. This is an idea in the making. . . still
collecting the pieces at this point.
Joy-spot idea #3: Along with the 'joy-spot' in
every room idea, I thought it would be fun to
decorate light-switch and outlet plates. I've
modge-podged 3 already. One is from a piece
of a t-shirt that I loved; one is a piece of scrap-
booking paper that I fed through and printed
a favorite quote on; another is a sheet of music
with words that I thought would bring comfort
to my mom. She is acting as wife and care-giver
to my housebound father. The title of the song
is 'under His wings'. Switch plate covers
every room idea, I thought it would be fun to
decorate light-switch and outlet plates. I've
modge-podged 3 already. One is from a piece
of a t-shirt that I loved; one is a piece of scrap-
booking paper that I fed through and printed
a favorite quote on; another is a sheet of music
with words that I thought would bring comfort
to my mom. She is acting as wife and care-giver
to my housebound father. The title of the song
is 'under His wings'. Switch plate covers
(fabric, comics, sheet music, photocopied
photos, . . . ) is all you need. This is a 'curly-girl
napkin I modge-podged on a switch-plate - loved
how it turned out. Shhhh ... it's a gift for a friend. :)
This second one is from a christmas card. A little
harder to make because of the stiff paper.
photos, . . . ) is all you need. This is a 'curly-girl
napkin I modge-podged on a switch-plate - loved
how it turned out. Shhhh ... it's a gift for a friend. :)
This second one is from a christmas card. A little
harder to make because of the stiff paper.
Joy-spot idea #4 In the midst of chaos, clean / organize one area (or even just a spot) in
each room that is ALWAYS in order. As a teacher I know the importance of a de-cluttered,
soft lighted room especially to the eyes of children with special needs (autism, ADD, FAS).
It brings peace, and a place for their (your) mind to 'rest'. As an added note, colours also
play a huge part in this. I knew a woman that would hold a picture of a happy face to her
baby's face when she (the baby) first woke up from sleeping. I thought it was a bit odd at
the time, but I like the concept.
Joy-spot idea #5 Keep a journal of only the things in your day that you are thankful for.
Makes for a great reference when you can't think of a single thing in your life that is going
your way. I did this for my daughter when she was young. It's a great cure for the
'poor-me-nothing-ever-good-happens-to me' blues.
Joy-spot idea #6 A few years ago I put together blessing boxes (small, clear, snap-case
for index cards from Staples) tabbed with favorite quotes; reminders (a drink umbrella
to remind you to stay under the covering of God, a tea bag to remind you to take time to
rest, a candy to remind you to keep your words sweet, a balloon to remind you to celebrate
the small stuff. . .); specific scriptures to encourage the person; gift cards (Starbucks or
Tim Hortons or Chapters . . .)
Joy-spot idea #7 Spend time with people who make you laugh. I ALWAYS laugh when
I am with my drama friends. Just sitting together processing an idea will inevitably create
an opportunity for someone (usually everyone by the end of the meeting) to embellish with
voice, expansive arms, gestures, impersonations . . .) Laughter is so life-giving!
Joy-spot idea #8 Write an 'I'm thinking of you' note and pop it into your child's lunch bag
(even if they are in high school or university
Joy-spot idea *9 Often someone will say, 'will you pray for me?'. Of course we say 'yes',
but do we really? Is it just something we say? Here's a way that has helped me stay
accountable to my commitment: write out a prayer and send it as an immediate, in the
moment response. Praying more later is always good but at least in writing and sending
it gives our commitment 'legs'.
Joy-spot idea #10 Have a reverse birthday. In my sister's neighbourhood many years
ago, there was a family that would invite their children's birthday guests the day of their
birthday. Gifts were never required or even expected; in fact it was the guests that went
home with presents. You could even do this for a farewell party - intentionally telling
each guest why/how they were an important part of your life.
Joy-spot idea #11 Give your students (child) paints and paper and let them 'explore'.
When they are done, ask them one thing they learned and would like to do again and
one thing they learned and would not do again. Experiencing the joy of trial and
Joy-spot idea #12
check out for an Easter idea called 'egged'.
Joy-spot idea #13
I received a face book message the other day from a friend. All it said was: 'I'm
thinking of you.' It surprised me how touched I felt at this simple comment.
It made me smile. Definitely something to remember to do for someone else.
Joy-spot idea #14
Walk in the opposite spirit. where there is sadness, show joy. where there is
anger, be peaceful. where there is frustration, show patience.