Friday, 2 May 2014

Reflecting on the gift of friends . . .

Awake at the wrong hour of 4 am and reflecting on the gift of friends. If I would describe you, I'd say . . . someone I could easily laugh with; a safe place to share the hard stuff, to shed tears; someone I could explode to and they wouldn't even flinch; a rare friend would be able to sense your heart even before your words knew what to say; could listen to you whine and complain and in love tell you to 'suck it up buttercup'; would listen and love unconditionally and then speak truth and perspective; a good friend 'rides the storm' with you; gets you from the inside out and even through the muck, sees beauty; allows you to speak into their life too and listen with expectancy, knowing that you deeply care and have their best interest at heart. . . I have friends who encompass these characteristics. They bring light to times of darkness.  They remind me of why life is good.

Friends change.  I hate that part.  The part that hurts in the letting go.  In the loving of the friend, you recall good times.  heart connections.  laughter.  but when the distance begins, so does the perspective.  the bumps that have always been there, start focusing into place.  we get to choose though.  just as we chose not to see when our friendship was up close and personal, so we can choose when it isn't.  choose to love blindly.  to focus on the now.  remember the pieces that touched us.  that we needed in that season.  over the years I have (am) learned (learning) to embrace the ones that are.  welcome the ones that begin to be and with a grateful and full heart, release the ones that drift away.  Always thankful to the One who sent them.  believing that the timing and purpose for both of us was right.  that my contribution to the relationship were honouring and life-giving.   so to those whom I have loved but whose paths we no longer cross, I release you.  to those whom I am just beginning to know, I eagerly anticipate how we can be a blessing.  to those who are in my life right now, I am so full of thanks.

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